600 Days, Liszt Academy, Dome/ 600 nap, Zenekadémia, Dome

About three weeks and three (+1) projects in Budapest, Hungary this month.
Tomorrow (Sunday, Oct 6) as part of the program of the contemporary art festival, CAFe Budapest, I will be conducting two compositions by László Melis, composer of the Oscar-winning movie, Son of Saul at the Budapest Music Center. Melis has passed 600 days ago, hence the title of the concert. All the participating musicians, including myself, have agreed to offer their performance fee to support his daughter and widow.
You can read about this concert here:

On October 22 I will be conducting the symphony orchestra of the Liszt Academy in a program of music by Liszt, Ligeti and Brahms. Click the link below for detailed information.


On October 26&27 I will be conducting a recording session of a contemporary guitar concerto by Arnaud Fillion. The orchestra will be comprised of the members of the Hungarian Radio Symphony.

Talking about Hungarian Radio, just yesterday I have had a great recording session with flutist Gergely Ittzés and violist Péter Bársony. These two wonderful musicians have decided that they wanted to make a professional recording of my almost-five-minute-long duo, entitled ‘Dome’. We have enjoyed every minute of the 2 and a half hour session. I can’t wait to hear the edited version soon!

Tegnap, egy két és fél órás jókedvű ülés alatt elkészült fuvola-brácsa duóm, a ‘Dome’ stúdiófelvétele a Magyar Rádióban. Ittzés Gergely és Bársony Péter gyönyörűen muzsikáltak. Alpár Tibor zenei rendezővel, és Lukács Miklós hangmérnökkel együtt a pult mögül élvezhettem a – nem könnyű – darab minden apró, a muzsikusok által szépen kidolgozott részletét. Örömmel várom majd az összevágott verziót!

A CAFé Budapest programjaként holnap, október 6-án, vasárnap a BMC-ben dirigálok két művet a Melis László zeneszerző emlékére rendezett koncerten. A BMC a bevételt, a résztvevők pedig felléptidíjukat ajánlották fel a 600 napja elhúnyt zenész-zeneszerző özvegye és gyermeke megsegítésére.


Október 22-én első alkalommal vezényelem majd a Zeneakadémia szimfonikus zenekarát. Rohmann Ditta szólójával hangzik majd fel Ligeti Csellóversenye, Liszt A bölcsőtől a sírig című szimfonikus költeménye és Brahms IV. szimfóniája között. A programról az alábbi linken lehet részleteket olvasni.


Október 26,- és 27-én Arnaud Fillion új gitárversenyének stúdiófelvételét vezénylem majd a Magyar Rádiózenekar zenészeinek élén. Így jön össze 3+1 izgalmas projekt a Budapesten töltött kb. három októberi hét alatt.

SALT at the End of the World/ Világvégi SÓ

Contemporary music adds salt to the days of life – even at the edge of the world. Says the motto of the Salt Festival, and I could not agree more. My new composition, From Left To Right, I wrote about two months ago
is being premiered on August 22 at the opening concert of SALT Festival, 2019.
I am lucky to be here in Victoria, BC in person to rehearse with the Tsilumos Ensemble. I am looking forward to hearing my music played live for the first time ever at tomorrow’s rehearsal. I will post the video of the World Premiere as soon as it is made available by the festival.
On August 20 I am off to the old World to partake in the first ever European Creative Academy for musicians in beautiful Annecy, France. I will be working as a guest professor and lecturer, and will be representing the Eötvös Foundation. I am looking forward to work with my musician friends from Ensemble Intercontemporain!

Balról jobbra című művem ősbemutatója lesz augusztus 22-én a kanadai Victoriában. Örömömre jelen lehetek a próbákon, és hallhatom a Tsilumos Ensemble tagjait amint a húrok közé csapnak a koncertet megelőző próbákon.
A darabról bővebben két hónapja írtam itt: https://gregoryvajda.com
Augusztus 21-től 25-ig a franciaországi Annecyban tanítok majd, és képviselem az Eötvös Alapítványt az első Európai Kreatív Akadémián, ahol néhány régi zenész barátommal is találkozom majd az Ensemble Intercontemporain soraiból. Hamarosan kezdődik a következő szezon, én pedig hamarosan újra jelentkezem.

Songs for Alabama/ Dalok Alabamához

The amazing Susanna Phillips
gave the US premiere of my orchestral song ‘The Cloak, the Boat, and the Shoes’ on Saturday with the Huntsville Symphony. My piece, just like when it was performed for the very first time in Budapest, preceded Richard Strauss’ Four Last Songs. We had a big and responsive audience at the Von Braun Center. In the first half of the concert Principal Bassoonist of the Rochester Philharmonic, Matthew McDonald played Weber’s Bassoon Concerto. Our last classical concert of the season was part of the Alabama Bicentennial Celebration, and we were happy to team up with Susanna and Matthew, co-artistic directors of Twickenham Fest, and musicians extraordinaire.

Sunday and Monday were dedicated to auditions. I am happy to report, that we have a new Principal Bassoonist, a new Second Trombone player, and three new violinist colleagues as well. I am looking forward to making music with old and new members of the HSO alike, since the Bicentennial Celebration continues into our next season and includes out first two classical concerts. Check out the fall program, and HSO’s complete 2019-2020 season here:

Soon I will be on my way back to Budapest to start rehearsing for the revival of my Puppet-Opera, The Giant Baby, and also to get ready for two La Bohème performances at the Budapest Opera. Stay tuned for more!

Susanna Phillips, http://www.susannaphillips.com
a Metropolitan Opera sztárja, és a Huntsville közeli Twickenham Fest egyik művészeti vezetője volt az HSO szombati koncertje második felének szólistája. ‘The Cloak, the Boat, and the Shoes’ című zenekari dalom amerikai bemutatója, a pár évvel ezelőtti budapesti ősbemutatóhoz hasonlóan, Richard Strauss Négy utolsó éneke előtt hangzott fel, amelyet aztán Richard Wagner A bolygó hollandi nyitánya követett. A hangverseny első felében a Rochester Filharmonikusok első fagottosa, a Susanna Phillipshez hasonlóan huntsville-i születésű, Matthew McDonald, aki a Twickenham Fest
társ-művészeti vezetője is, adta elő Weber Fagottversenyét. A koncert első fele Weber Freischütz nyitányával indult, és a Berlioz által hangszerelt Felhívás keringőre című művével zárult. Nagyszámú és lelkes közönség ünneplésével fejeztük be az évadot, és erre számítunk a következőben is. Az őszi koncertek még a 2019-es Alabama Bicentenáriumi Ünnepségek részét képezik majd, és annak fényében a Hunsvtille Symphony zenészeit, valamint a Huntsville Community Chorus-t és helyi vokális szólistákat állít a programok középpontjába. Részletek az alábbi linken találhatóak

Vasárnap és hétfőn egész nap meghallgatásokat tartottunk. Felvettünk egy új első fagottost, egy második harsonást, és három új kollégát a hegedű szólamba. Hamarosan indulok Budapestre, ahol kezdődnek a próbák Az Óriáscsecsemő című báboperám felújítására, és a Magyar Állami Operaház Bohémélet 2.0 előadásaira is.

Hungarian Orchestras and Eötvös Foundation/ Magyar zenekarok és az Eötvös Alapítvány

Liszt: From the Cradle to the Grave
Gregory Vajda: Gloomy Sunday Variations
Liszt: Piano Concerto No.2 in A (Peter Kiss, piano)
Mendelssohn: Symphony No.5 “Reformation”

the program above is on tomorrow for my debut performance with the Kodály Philharmony (Debrecen, Hungary). This concert marks another milestone in the series of concerts in the last couple of years in which I finally had the chance to work with all the major local orchestras in Hungary. I am privileged to work with the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra a couple of times a year for multiple seasons now (they are based in Pécs, Hungary), but as of 2019 I have had the pleasure to work with the Györ Philharmonic orchestra (last summer for the European Clarinet Conference), the Miskolc Symphony (just last month with two concerts and a beautifully challenging program of music by Brahms and Stravinsky), and the Szeged Symphony (Schumann and Mahler, but I also conducted them in Mozart’s The Magic Flute as my London debut). I have worked with the Savaria Symphony as well, a group I have known for a while from the Bartok Festival and Seminar, and to which I will be returning next season for a subscription concert.

The month of April was busy with the last Casual Classics of the season in Huntsville (Alabama Storytellers II), a conducting an composition masterclass at the Budapest Music Center, where I was teaching alongside with the world famous composer Kaija Saariaho, Peter Eötvös and the former General Music Director of the Budapest Opera, Peter Halász. The Peter Eötvös Foundation has also made my role with them official and named me Program Director. In a week I am looking forward to returning to Huntsville to conduct the 6th Classical Concert of the 18-19 season with the wonderful Susanna Phillips as soloist.


A fenti linken olvasható az idei szezon utolsó nagy klasszikus programja, amelyet a a Huntsville Symphony élén vezényelek. A Metropolitan Opera sztárja, Susanna Phillips énekel majd Strauss Négy utolsó énekében, és a W.B. Yeats versére írott zenekari dalomban.
Áprilisban Kaija Saariaho, Eötvös Péter és Halázs Péter professzortársaként taníthattam a Budapest Music Centerben, és a mesterkurzus zárókoncertjének apropóján az alábbi interjút adtam a Papagenónak, amelyben a Programigazgatóvá való kinevezésemről, és az Alapítvány terveiről is szó esik.

Holnap (április 23) a debreceni Kölcsey Központban debütálok a Kodály Filharmónia élén az alábbi műsorral.

Liszt: A bölcsőtől a sírig
Vajda Gergely: Szomorú vasárnap variációk
Liszt: Piano II. zongoraverseny (Kiss Péter -zongora)
Mendelssohn: V. szimfónia, “Reformáció”

A koncert egy újabb fontos állomása annak a szerencsésen alakult sorozatnak, amelynek részeként az elmúlt pár évben karmesterként bemutatkozhattam az összes nagyobb magyar zenekar élén, bizonyítandó, hogy Budapesten kívül is van komolyzenei élet, de még milyen! Időben visszafelé haladva: Kodály Filharmónia (Debrecen), Miskolci Szimfonikusok, Győri Filharmonikus Zenekar, Szegedi Szimfonikusok. A szombathelyi Savaria Szimfonikusokat és a pécsi Pannon Filharmonikusokat már többször dirigálhattam, és idén is, valamint a 2019-20-as szezonban is visszatérek hozzájuk vendégkarmesterként.

Die Mutter liebt den Coffeebrauch, Die Großmama trank solchen auch

Die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht,
Die Jungfern bleiben Coffeeschwestern.
Die Mutter liebt den Coffeebrauch,
Die Großmama trank solchen auch,
Wer will nun auf die Töchter lästern!

The words above are from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Coffee Cantata and they translate as follows

Cats do not give up mousing,
girls remain coffee-sisters.
The mother adores her coffee-habit,
and grandma also drank it,
so who can blame the daughters!

Another piece of music that everybody seems to know about, but that is definitely not performed frequently enough, and under-appreciated despite its humor and musical craft. This short “mini-opera” and Bach’s B-minor Suite for flute and strings were on the program of our 2nd Casual Classics concert this season. We performed in front of a full house at Alchemy Lounge (Lowe Mill Arts and Entertainment) last Sunday. The week before last our 3rd Classical Concert of the season marked the beginning of the Bicentennial Celebration of the State of Alabama in the City of Huntsville. HSO featured its players in Schumann’s Concert-piece for 4 horns and orchestra, and in John Adams’ Absolute Jest for string quartet and orchestra. Beethoven’s 3rd Leonore Overture and Symphony No.8 framed the program in front of a great and enthusiastic house. This week HSO produced 4 kids concerts and a Free Family show with Benjamin Britten’s Young Persons’ Guide to the Orchestra as the main featured composition.
Details in the HSO 2018-19 Season brochure online
On Sunday I am returning to Hungary to start rehearsals with the Hungarian Radio Symphony to record and perform my newest orchestra composition entitled Gloomy Sunday Variations (World Premiere). The other pieces on the program for February 11 at the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy are: Piazzolla’s Bandoneon Concerto, Stravinsky’s fantastic Petroushka, and another John Adams piece, The Chairman Dances.

Die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht,
Die Jungfern bleiben Coffeeschwestern.
Die Mutter liebt den Coffeebrauch,
Die Großmama trank solchen auch,
Wer will nun auf die Töchter lästern!

A macska nem ereszti el az egeret,
A hajadonok kávénénikék maradnak.
Az anya kedveli a kávézást,
A nagyanya is iszogatott,
Ki csepülhetné hát ezért a leányokat!

Ez a záróversszaka Johann Sebastian Bach Kávékantátájának, amely a h-moll Szvit mellett a múlt vasárnapi Casual Classics koncertünk műsorát adta, és amely számomra régi-új felfedezése Bach humorának és mesterségbeli tudásának. A zene mellé kávét is szolgáltak fel a Lowe Mill központ Alchemy Lounge nevű kávézójában. A websiteon a mini kávézó bolthálózat legújabb helyszínei láthatók, ahol mi játszottunk az hamarosan bezár és költözik.

Február 19-én az Alabama állam 200. születésnapját ünneplő naptári év első megmozdulásaként játszotta a Huntsville Symphony Beethoven III. Leonora nyitányát és VIII. szimfóniáját, valamint a zenekar zenészeinek szólójával Schumann négykürtös Konzertstückjét és John Adams Absolute Jest című vonósnégyesre és zenekarra komponált darabját. Ezen a héten pedig az ifjúsági koncertek voltak soron, valamint ma délelőtt az évi ingyenes családi koncert. A műsor központi műve Britten Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra című kompozíciója állt, elhangzottak még Purcell és Bernstein művei, valamint az én saját Purcell Variációm is, amit még annak idején egy hasonló családi koncertre komponáltam az Oregon Symphony felkérésére. Részletek a szezon online elérhető teljes PDF műsorában találni:
Hétfőn érkezem Budapestre és szerdán kezdődnek a próbák a Rádiózenekarral a február 11-i koncertünkre. A zeneakadémiai bérletes műsorban elhangzik legújabb zenekari darabom, a Szomorú Vasárnap Variációk, valamint Piazzolla Bandoneon versenye, Sztravinszkij Petruskája, és John Adamstől a The Chairman Dances.

4000 Kids, 2200 Adults

Huntsville Symphony has just completed a very busy and extremely successful week with 6 concerts and 2 programs. We performed 4 Young People’s Concert and a Free Family Concert for about 4K children (most of the 4th Graders) and a few hundred adults. The latter one I like to call “Bring Your Grandma” concert, and indeed there were many families: grandkids, parents, grandparents alike. Mozart: Figaro Overture, Mendelssohn: Piano Concerto No.1, 1st Movement (played by the brilliant Sarah Han, the winner of the Guild’s Concerto Competition 2017) and James Stephenson’s genius “Compose Yourself” were on the program. Jim’s composition introduces the orchestra, its sections and its instruments to the audience in a set of variations. Before the Finale audience members get to pick and mix 3 different melodies, harmonies and rhythms to create their very own piece of music. I highly recommend “Compose Yourself” to any orchestra interested in a stylish, clever and fun piece of music that can do what Britten’s Young Persons’ Guide can and more! At the Free Family Show I also did a crash course in conducting for kids who were not shy coming on stage. They got to conduct the Mozart Overture with the Huntsville Symphony.
On Saturday evening the HSO had a sold out pops show comprised entirely of John Williams soundtracks. It was a demanding and highly satisfying concert for the orchestra and drew several standing ovations from the audience. Once (tops twice) a year I agree to play the clarinet in Huntsville to benefit the Symphony. I have performed quite a few great chamber music pieces in the past couple of seasons, and also the obligate clarinet solo in a Mozart aria when my Mom was here to sing an opera gala under my baton. This time I played the clarinet solo of Viktor’s Theme from the movie The Terminal. Viktor’s character —played by Tom Hanks in the movie— is especially close to me. We are talking about a man from an imaginary Eastern-European country who gets stuck in an airport terminal in the US and has to manage living there for a few weeks. Considering my crazy busy traveling schedule I do feel like I live in an airport sometimes.
More great music is on the way with the Huntsville Symphony in the next couple of weeks: Mendelssohn, Richard Strauss, Offenbach and Wagner.
Check out our website here:

Toward The Sea Into the New Year

The season of the Huntsville Symphony is always busier between January and May than it is in the fall. The reason? College football. In the fall we are doing our classical concerts on Fridays so we do not have to compete with the games on Saturdays. Also it seems it takes a while for everybody (definitely our core audience) to settle into the usual rhythm after the summer months. After presenting a no-orchestra New Years Eve show with the amazing Bela and Abigail Fleck the Huntsville Symphony is back on the stage of the Von Braun Center and we sure have a lot of notes to play for the second half of the season. Between February 1-4 we are doing 4 Youth Concerts, a Free Family Concert and a Pops concert with all John Williams movie hits. We are presenting our ever popular “dinner-concert” Casual Classics on February 12, then another classical concert with the music of Wagner and Offenbach on February 18.

Yesterday, with a smaller than usual orchestra on stage, I conducted the HSO in a show called “Flute and Harp Impressions”. Principal flutist Evelyn Loehrlein and harpist Katherine Newman joined guest flutist Gergely Ittzes in a selection of pieces by Vivaldi, Debussy, Takemitsu and Respighi.
Gergely Ittzes https://www.ittzesgergely.hu has also performed two of his own solo flute compositions presenting unusual virtuosity on his instrument along with many special effects never heard before by our audience. Ittzes is capable of playing clear double stops (intervals) on the flute and special effects that sound like walking bass or an Indian, or Japanese traditional instrument. Our audience was very enthusiastic and thrilled about all the music that was presented. I believe we did justice to Vivaldi as well, since his music —due to the big size of our concert venue— has been definitely underrepresented in the classical series.
My favorite part of the concert was when Gergely Ittzes played Debussy’s famous solo flute composition, Syrinx then we went right into playing Takemitsu’s mesmerizing “Toward the Sea II” for alto flute, harp and strings. Great job HSO string section!
I admire Takemitsu for his beautiful sound colors and soothing rhythmical complexities (yes it does sound like a contradiction, but Takemitsu is just doing, in his own language, what Debussy has invented more than a 100ys ago now). I was very pleased with the audience’s positive response.
Our New Year has just started, and we are sailing on toward new adventures. Come and join us in 2017, too!

Orchestra Tour in Poland

…then there are days when you really don’t have the time to write.

I have just finished my concert with the Hungarian Radio Symphony at the Liszt Academy on November 22 when received a call from the tour manager of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra. They were on the road in Poland and the conductor, János Kovács was hospitalized. I agreed to step in after my Eötvös-Bartók performance in Hamburg (November 23) and joined the orchestra in Wroclaw, Poland the next day. We had a one hour acoustical rehearsal at the amazing new concert hall built for the program of “Cultural Capital of Europe, Wroclaw 2016″, and we hit the ground running with the following program:

Kodály: Dances of Galánta
Liszt: Piano Concerto No.1 (Dávid Báll -piano)
Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra
(Encores: Brahms Hungarian Dance No.1 and Berlioz Rakóczi March)

Thee more concerts followed with great success (and a whole lot of bus riding in between). The Hungarian National Phil musicians and myself were having a ball.

Poland is a lucky country to have so many great, new concert halls. Three out of the four we have performed at were built in the last two years. Among these, the venue for our tour-closing performance was probably the best I have ever performed at (including Disney Hall!). The concert hall of the National Polish Radio Orchestra in Katowice is not only a great work of architecture but also the perfect mix of beauty and functionality with amazing acoustics for symphonic music.

Take a look!

This orchestra tour was part of the Hungarian Season in Poland commemorating the 1956 Revolution. Originally Zoltán Kocsis, world famous pianist and music director of the Hungarian National Philharmonic, who just recently passed away, was supposed to conduct all the concerts. We have been performing in his memory as well.

I am back in Hamburg, Germany today. The very last performance of the Eötvös: Senza sangue, Bartók: Bluebeard’s Castle production is tomorrow evening at the Staatsoper. The revival is schedueled for February 2018.

Hotel Room With Seven Doors

“Which hotel room has seven doors and enough place for a torture chamber, an armory and a treasure chamber?” – asks critic Peter Jungblut of http://br-klassik.de in his review about the Eötvös/ Bartók double bill of Staatsoper Hamburg. Stage director Dimitri Tcherniakov merged “Senza sangue” and “Bluebeard’s Castle” into a 2 hour long evening with no intermission, and made the two operas into one “Dramatic Soul-Exploration”. After participating in the long rehearsal process of the production (we had our very first rehearsal on September 26) and attending the premiere with composer Peter Eötvös himself in the pit, I am now looking forward to conducting my first of this impressive show. Great singers, powerful music, touching video shorts, captivating images with mesmerizing lighting: this is all Senza sangue-Bluebeard’s Castle, and more. Come and experience it live if you can this month in Hamburg!
I will be the conductor of two more performances after today’s show: one on November 23 and the last one of this run on November 30. In between two shows, on November 22, I will be conducting a concert with the Hungarian Radio Symphony at the Liszt Academy in Budapest. The program is comprised of a World Premiere orchestral song for soprano I composed in memory of my Father and compositions by Haydn and Richard Strauss.
More about this concert soon!

More Power to the Horns!

In the last few weeks I have been working on Béla Bartók’s Bluebeard’s Castle and Peter Eötvös’s Senza sangue, an opera double-bill at the Hamburg Opera in Germany. It is going to be a beautiful staging by Dmitri Tcherniakov, see a NY Times review about his work here http://nytimes.com
with four powerhouse singers in the principal roles, and the orchestra of Staatsoper Hamburg. The performances will all be in November.
I am not sure if the expression of “taking a break from sg” can be applied to my schedule. Conducting Mahler 5 does not sound like a break at all, and it sure is a great challenge for orchestra and conductor alike. Well, I am “taking a break from” opera this week and conducting a program of Mahler’s amazing symphony along with Mozart’s Magic Flute Overture and DiLorenzo’s Phoenix Concerto with the Huntsville Symphony.
The latter composition was written for the amazing French Horn player William Vermeulen, whom I had the pleasure to work with on a few occasions.
His playing and our extended horn section for Mahler 5 will sure make this week a powerful one!

I am excited and proud that our Huntsville Symphony can present such divers and exciting program to all the music lovers in the area. At the end of September for our first Casual Classics program called “Yoga with Live Music” we played compositions by Steve Reich, Arvo Pärt and John Cage at Lowe Mill. This week we are back with great symphonic repertoire at the Von Braun Center. Come and join us!