Time of Books and Summer Music/ Könyvek és nyári zenék

I have been reading lately with feverish speed and with a grand appetite for very different writers and different kind of books, both in English and in Hungarian.
It all started more than a month ago with a book entitled The Life and Deaths (yes plural!) of Imre Kertész by Clara Royer. This fascinating book about the only Hungarian Nobel-Prize winner author, a Holocaust survival, reads easily, and captures as much as possible of Kertész’ personality through his own words, diaries and works. This book made me want to read Kertész again so I dived into his last novel, Beyond the Last Tavern. How to tell the story of wanting to write a particular story for a lifetime and not succeeding? Nobody can do it better than him.The edited diary parts of the book has many mentions of late Avantgarde composer György Ligeti, and of course Bartók, Haydn, Mahler and Wagner. Music was of great importance to I.K. Also, who would have thought that getting the Nobel-Prize for literature counts as one of the many deaths if the winner wants nothing more just to be able to be as creative as when he was young and without a penny. Sad, depressing book, but also touching and heroic. Then I read something completely different, and again a book that was impossible to put down. Picasso, The Red Rooster it is called, and it was written by the Czech František Mikš. The book contains three fascinating portraits of artists who have been seduced, endorsed, used, abused and in at least one case killed by Communism and its henchmen. Kazimir Malevich, Georg Grosz and Pablo Picasso have always had my attention because of their art. Now I know much more about their lives, political believes and suffering. I am afraid, that this book is not available in English. As a change of pace the next book for me to read was If This Isn’t Nice What Is?, a collection of all the Graduation speeches of Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Let me put one quote in here.
“I am enchanted by the Sermon on the Mount. Being merciful, it seems to me, is the only good idea we have received so far. Perhaps we will get another good idea by and by – and then we will have two good ideas.”
On my nightstand I have Seven Brief Lessons On Physics by Italian theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli. It’s fascinating.

As for summer music, after doing our first ever Summer Night Symphony in Huntsville, which show was very well received and a great success, I am off to Oregon tomorrow to start the summer season of the Portland Festival Symphony. Four fun concerts in four beautiful Portland Parks on two weekends. Check out the dates, parks and the program here.


A fenti linken olvasható a Portland Festival Symphony idei nyári programja benne többek között mind a 10 Brahms Magyar tánccal. Két hétvége, négy koncert, négy park. Aztán irány Kanada, majd Franciaország, de erről bővebben később.

Az elmúlt másfél hónapban nagy sebességgel és még nagyobb élvezettel faltam a könyveket.

Kezdtem Clara Royer Kertész Imre élete és halálai című letehetetlen életrajzírásával, majd annak hatására folytattam Kertész Utolsó kocsma című napló-regényével. Nyomasztó és megható, de leginkább kíméletlenül őszinte könyv, benne Mahler, Bartók és Haydn sokszor említve, akárcsak Schiff András. A haldokló Ligeti Györgyről sértett és személyeskedő, bár sokmindenben lényeglátó kiszólások. Kétszeri nekifutás egy már soha el nem készülő regénynek.
“Életem története a halálaimból áll, ha el akarnám beszélni az életemet, a halálaimat kellene elmondanom.”

Picasso a vörös kakas a cseh František Mikštől. Kazimir Malevics, Georg Grosz és Pablo Picasso életpályája a politika, de különösen a kommunizmus tükrében. Kötelező olvasmány, bár a szerző a végén nem bírja visszatartani a szuprematizmus és a minimalizmus iránti személyes ellenszenvét. Szegény Piet Mondrian!

Mondhatni lazítás képpen elolvastam Kurt Vonnegut Jr. összegyűjtött diplomaosztó beszédeit. Tőle már alig van könyv, amit ne olvastam volna. Nem tudom megunni. Felkészül Carlo Rovelli, olasz fizikus Hét rövid lecke a fizikáról című könyvével, benne az általános relativitás elmélete, quantumfizika és még sokminden más érthetően és élvezhetően magyarázva.

Happy Wednesday / Vidám szerda

It sure feels like this is the beginning of the season already, however my debut with the Györ Philharmonic is really the last concert of my summer. Check out the program of the 2018 European Clarinet Festival here:

I had a great time in Portland, OR with Three Leg Torso and the Portland Festival Symphony playing at beautiful city parks for big crowds in the first two weeks of August. After returning to Hungary I’ve had some time off at the famous Lake Balaton. Of course, I used the time to do some composing and arranging. I am working on my new orchestral piece for the Hungarian Radio symphony for March 2019 called Gloomy Sunday Variations, and on arrangements of Debussy’s Faun and Ravel’s Pavane for flute, clarinet, harp and string quartet. I am looking forward to starting the 18-19 season in Huntsville in about three weeks, and in Hungary with the Radio Symphony at the end of September. I will keep you posted, thanks for reading!

Hiába még nyár, de már szezonkezdés érzésem van az e heti koncertemmel kapcsolatban. Az Európai Klarinétfesztivál (program a fenti linken) gála koncertje ma este egyben a debütálásom is a Győri Filharmonikusok élén.
Augusztus első két hetében remek hangulatú koncertjeim voltak a Portland Festival Symphony élén a Three Leg Torso nevű world music csapat közreműködésével a város parkjaiban, szép számú közönség előtt. Ezután nyaraltam a Balatonnál egy kicsit. A fürdés és a Vajda család szokásos éves összejövetele mellé persze befért némi komponálás és hangszerelés is. A Rádiózenekar jövő évi koncertjére írom a Szomorú Vasárnap Variációkat, illetve a Ravel Pavane és a Debussy Faun kamarazenei átiratait is készítem. Kb. 3 hét múlva kezdem a 18-19-es szezont Huntsville-ben, majd a Rádiózenekarral itthon szeptember végén. Többet hamarosan itt! Kellemes nyár végét mindenkinek!

Music For Different Summers

Bartók: The Wooden Prince (complete ballet with live sand animation)
Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring (performed with live dance)

I have started my summer by leading the conducting master-class with the rep above at the International Bartok Seminar and Festival. It was an honor to be a professor at this esteemed festival. John Cage, Gyorgy Ligeti and other world class musicians and composers have visited the Bartok Festival in small town Szombathely, Hungary back in the days. It was truly the place to be in the summer when I was a student. I myself have started there as a conductor student some 20 years ago, also have studied chamber music with Gyorgy Kurtág as a clarinetist.
This year I’ve had the honor to teach 10 active and a few passive students from all over the world. The closing concert was beautifully presented and very well attended.
After a short stop in Huntsville (there is always something to do when I am in town, and I did use my time wisely for business luncheons, meetings and planning) I have spent the last 10+ days in Portland, OR. I have taken on the role of Incoming Music Director of the Portland Festival Symphony in the last couple of years.


This wonderful organization has been providing free classical music for the Portland audience for over 35 years now. Playing live classical music in very different neighborhoods of the city for kids and adults is a fascinating and very rewarding mission. This year I have programmed overtures by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert along with my own piece “Rough and Ready, an American Outdoor Overture” composed directly for PFS and its outdoor concerts. The concert series ends today with an all strings concert.

I am ready for a brief vacation with my two sons, Balazs and Vince after this week. Well be spending our time in and around Huntsville, AL, and will be visiting the great city of New Orleans, too. After our annual “father and sons” vacation I will be flying to the Island of Jersey to start a hopefully long tradition of “Opera Island”. Armel Opera Festival is branching out and I am really excited about being part of this exciting new experiment. I will definitely post more about “Opera Island” at the end of this month. In the meantime, please check out the Jersey Opera House website for the Armel Festival program here:


It sure feels like the extreme hot weather has been chasing me around. Hot and hotter weather in Szombathely, Budapest, Huntsville, and even in Portland (it was 109 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday, that’s over 42 degrees Celsius). Yet the character of Summer is still different at these very different places, so is the music I have been working on. I find the summer of 2017 striking a nice balance between time off and good work. And yes, there is always composition time whenever I can get it. The new version of my first opera, “The Giant Baby” is in the making. Premiere at the end of June, 2018.

Le Lanaudière. Portland Festival Symphony. Sziget: Island of Freedom.

On July 9, after about 8 years, I conducted the Lanaudière Festival Orchestra again. It was great to return to conduct these amazing musicians, to collaborate with Alain Lefèvre on the piano
and to enjoy the ambiance of the amphitheater in Joliette, Quebec. Our program was the opening performance of the Lanaudière Festival 2016, an exciting mix of pieces by Tchaikovsky and Respighi.
The rehearsals were held downtown Montréal, which gave me a chance to enjoy the Montréal Jazz Festival programs every evening and also to revisit some of my favorite places in one of my favorite cities ever.

After enjoying a brief family vacation my summer season continues with free park concerts in Portland Oregon. Lajos Balogh and I share the concerts this year starting today at Cathedral Park. Tomorrow (Sunday) there will be an all brass program presented at Laurelhurst Park. More symphonic and string concerts to come next weekend and the weekend after. Check out this year’s programs!

Based on popular demand Armel Opera Festival is presenting a fun 2 hour program every day at the famous Sziget Festival again this year. Scenes from Mozart’s The Magic Flute (staging by Róbert Alföldi), contemporary music improvisation with audience participation, symphonic world music with Hungarian stars, and a live crash course in orchestra conducting will be on the menu. Come and join us in August!

Summer Fun with Bartok, Sibelius and Opera

After taking a short summer break and using most of it to compose Clarinet Symphony (premiere next February with the Hungarian Radio Symphony at Palace of the Arts in Budapest) I am ready to pick up the baton again this weekend. Lajos Balogh, Music Director of the Portland Festival Symphony invited me to guest conduct at two of the PFS summer park-concerts. I get to conduct two of my long time favorites, Romanian Folk Dances by Bartok and Finlandia by Sibelius. It is great to make music again with some of the retired musicians of the Oregon Symphony and other players from the area I have worked with before.
I will be sharing the stage with Lajos Balogh
and with
Michael Allen Harrison

Yes, it is hot out there, but these parks are so beautiful and you will be able to find a spot with some shade for sure. Come out and enjoy great music and some outdoor picnic fun!

Soon I will be taking off to Hungary where I will be leading some fun, interactive musical programs at Sziget Festival

Every day between 6 and 8PM The Armel Opera Festival presents a program of ‘Opera Sitcom Series’ and some contemporary music improvisation as well as letting audience members conduct the Armel Festival Orchestra in famous opera numbers like the aria of The Queen of the Night. “Sziget” is not only the biggest rock/pop-music festival of Central Europe but also a great place to promote classical music and opera.

Please check out the website of the Huntsville Symphony as well! Single tickets are on sale for our 2015-16 season!

Hope you are all enjoying your summer and getting just the right amount of daily classical music! 🙂