12, 13, 15

Finally a headline that works in both languages! 🙂

After teaching a masterclass with Spanish-Argentinian composer-conductor Fabian Panisello and Peter Eötvös at the Budapest Music Center I dived into two projects centered around two different operas. The Hungarian State Opera is premiering Jake Heggie’s Dead Man Walking (in Hungarian the title reads: Save Me, Lord!, since this was what the 1995 movie with Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon was called here). Our venue, the so called Eiffel Art Studios (the architectural firm for the now over 100ys old building was indeed that of the famous Eiffel company) are not officially open yet, but promotional productions are already taking place. The audience can register and see the first few shows for free, while workers are still fixing the outside park and the parking lot around the building. It’s a lot of fun to work with lead Hungarian singers and the amazing David Adam Moore
on Heggie’s now world famous, and often performed work. Because of the delayed opening of the Eiffel Art Studios I have three performance dates for two different projects very close to one another. March 12 and 15 for Dead Man Walking and March 13 for my concert with the UMZE Ensemble at BMC. The March 13 concert includes the World Premiere of my new mono-concert-opera based on the book of famous author Péter Esterházy. Anna Molnár is singing the main and only role of the opera which is paired with two composition from the early 80s (the time when the novel was written) by Hungarian composers László Vidovszky and László Tihanyi.This will be my inaugural concert as a new member of the Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts.
Busy times, happy times!

Egy hét mesterkurzus után, amelyen a Budapest Music Centerben a spanyol-argentin Fabian Panisello zeneszerző-karmesterrel és Eötvös Péterrel taníthattam együtt, jelenleg két párhuzamosan futó projekten dolgozom, ezért is a nem túl gyakori posztolás itt a blogomon. Miután az Eiffel Csarnok a tervezettnél később nyílik, ezért Jake Heggie Ments meg, Uram! című operájának bemutatója egy hetet csúszott, így azt március 12-én hallhatja/ láthatja az arra regisztráló közönség (második előadás március 15-én), míg az Esterházy Péter könyvére, a Fuharosokra komponált mono-koncert-operám bemutatója a BMC-ben március 13-án lesz. Az UMZE koncertjén felhangzik még egy-egy Vidovszky és Tihanyi darab a korai 80-as évekből, amikor a Fuharosok regény első verziója is íródott.Ez a koncert lesz a székfoglalóm is a Széchenyi Irodalmi és Művészeti Akadémia új tagjaként.
A Heggie operában nagy örömmel dolgozom együtt remek magyar énekesekkel és a fantasztikus baritonnal, David Adam Moore-ral
míg a Fuvarosokat Molnár Anna formálja majd meg.Az UMZE oldala további információkkal itt található:
Szerencsére a jegyek szépen fogynak, úgyhogy aki így (is) szeretne emlékezni Esterházy Péterre, aki idén lenne 70 éves, az a BMC oldalán vásárolhatja meg a maradék helyek valamelyikét.

Long January I Hosszú január

“January has been a long year, but I have survived”. I’ve run into this meme online a couple of times in the past week. Indeed, a lot has happened in politics and international affairs since we have entered the Twenties of the century. It feels like my own affairs, too are getting up to speed with the news cycle. Confession: I like the speed and the buzz. 🙂
I am alternating between composing (working on ‘The Music Gene’ piece now for April), studying for upcoming concerts (Ravel and Trombones is coming up) and brushing up on my German (it is rusty to say the least).
Check out what’s happening in Huntsville here:

I am looking forward to teaching at the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation again soon, this time along with guest professor Fabián Panisello, Argentinian-Spanish composer and conductor

Then I will be diving into Jake Heggie’s opera, Dead Man Walking, and my own composition based on a novel by Péter Esterházy
Stay tuned!

“Január hosszú év volt, de túléltük.” Egy hete sokadszorra futok bele az interneten ebbe a mémbe, és valóban a hírciklus még a szokásosnál is jobban felgyorsulni látszik. Nem panaszkodhatom, mert az én dolgaim is sűrűn követik egymást, és nem mondhatom, hogy ez ne lenne kedvemre való. Most éppen ‘A zenegén’ című szopránra, narrátorra és hangszeres együttesre írandó kompozíciómon dolgozom, melynek bemutatója áprilisban lesz Huntsville-ban, miközben folyamatosan darabokat tanulok a koncertjeimre, és berozsdásodott német tudásomat is próbálom felfrissíteni.

A Huntsville Symphony koncertjeiről a megszokott linken, itt lehet olvasni,
a februárban megrendezésre kerülő karmester-zeneszerző kurzusról pedig itt:

A Fabián Panisello, spanyol-argentin zeneszerző-karmesterrel és Eötvös Péterrel közös mesterkurzusunk után a Magyar Állami Operaház produkciójában vezényelem majd Jake Heggie Ments meg, Uram! című operáját, amely a híres Dead Man Walking című filmből, illetve az annak alapjául szolgáló könyv történetéből készült.
Ezt saját mono-concert-oprám követi majd, amely Esterházy Péter Fuharosok című regénye alapján íródott.

Lots of Work and Plenty of Travel Already in 2018

Hello there and a Happy Belated New Year! I am writing this post at the Atlanta airport lounge, waiting for my flight to Huntsville, replacing the one that was just cancelled a couple of hours ago. Yes, IT IS WINTERTIME and it is coming down hard on the South now, after hitting the North-East of the US.
After a demanding and successful trip to Taiwan and Mainland China (with the Kaohsiung Symphony then with the players of the Hungarian Radio Symphony) I traveled back to Budapest for a couple of days (FYI Turkish Airlines is great!) then packed again to drive to the city of Pecs, where I got to conduct the great Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra. We presented an exciting program, including my piece, Drums Drums Drums, of which we played the Hungarian premiere. Other pieces on the program were: Weill: Little Threepenny Music, Stravinsky: Concerto in D for string orchestra and Hindemith’s powerful Concertmusic for brass and strings. As for Drum Drums Drums, it is now the third set of soloists playing it (however the drum-set part was played by the amazing Gergo Borlai again, who has been part of the World Premiere in Huntsville in 2015), and the piece, I am happy to report, works really well for the audience.
After spending a couple of days in beautiful Southern Hungary (Pecs is only about a 2hr drive from Budapest) I was ready to fly to the Big Apple. Representing Armel Festival as its Artistic Director I have attended 5 shows at the Prototype Festival. I have seen staged concert albums, multi-media music theater works and operas in the traditional sense. It was an impressive line up. I hope that Prototype Festival can become a partner for Armel by as early as 2020, and together we can bring some interesting new works to Budapest, Vienna, and to the screen of ARTE TV as well. Yes, IT IS WINTERTIME, and NYC was way colder than usual. However in the summer I always complain about humidity and high temperatures in manhattan. 🙂
I am ready for a couple of extremely exciting and challenging programs in the next couple of weeks. On Saturday with the Huntsville Symphony I will be conducting Brahms’ Haydn Variations, Beethoven’s Symphony No.7, and sharing the stage again with Elina Vähälä from Finland, who’ll be playing Berg’s beautiful Violin Concerto. More information on the concert here:


After Huntsville it’s Budapest time again, and time for music about machines with the Danubia Symphony at the Liszt Academy. Yes, you read that right, MACHINES!

More about that later!

Until then, here is the link for your enjoyment:


Georgia Bottoms in Budapest, Interviews, Reviews, Videos

A pretty long, exhausting and fun period is over. Georgia Bottoms, A Comic Opera of the Modern South had a new, Hungarian production in the frame of CAFe (Contemporary Art Festival) Budapest at the Liszt Academy. The production was a success, the audience loved it and so far the critics had a positive opinion as well. I am glad, that this 85 minute long, one act chamber opera made quite a few people among Hungarian intellectuals to go online and buy Mark Childress’ original novel, Georgia Bottoms. The book deserves attention, and a great translation for the European and Hungarian market. Luckily, many of the intellectuals interested in my art can speak and read English. They all bought the book here, and you should, too!

Unfortunately however, – this is what happens when a country has a language that nobody else is speaking,- all the interviews and reviews below are in Hungarian. This time being a Hungarian has an advantage: you get way more info about the opera, the production and you can also read about many other topics that came up in the interviews in the original language. I translated a couple of things below for my English speaking friends, and I can promise you that no music-lover will be left behind. I am in the process of translating a selection of the interviews and posting them online as soon as I can. In the meantime, enjoy what you can by clicking on the links below!

Let’s start with a really well translated interview with Rebecca Nelsen, who has been doing Georgia Bottoms’ role for the second time in two years. I myself have learned a couple of interesting, new things about what it’s like to be a woman in the South.
“The Era of Just Standing And Singing Is Over”

By clicking on the link below you can read the very first (posted just a couple of hours after the Sunday premiere) instant feedback by a local theater/ music-theater blogger. She will be posting more about Georgia Bottoms, once the entire CAFe Budapest Festival is over.

Here are three interviews with me, mostly about Georgia Bottoms, but also about teaching, conducting and politics.
“When A Chord Sounds That Can Feel Really Good”

“I Want to Write Music I’ve Never Heard Before”

“Constant Failures Mean The System Is Working”

“You Cannot Put 9-11 Into Music” (interview) + “Bittersweet Georgia” (review)
These articles will be available for free soon via the website link below.
According to this review my music is from the Deep South 🙂 The critic loved the humor of the opera in text, in music and in staging as well/ “…a múlt vasárnapi bemutatón átütővé vált a mű humora: szövegben, játékban és – éppen nem mellesleg – zenében egyaránt.”

“Under Lucky Stars”
This critic loved the production in every way possible, including the staging by Andras Alamai Toth, the singing of the entire cast, especially Rebecca Nelsen and Keith Browning, the quality of the musicians of Ensemble UMZE, and the music itself. The critic had a nice summary of my music as well, Let me copy it here, first just in Hungarian.

“A muzsika majd’ minden hangjából árad az amerikai Dél hangulatát megidéző couleur locale, de hiba lenne, ha csak ennyit jegyeznénk meg az igényes kompozícióról, mely (az utóbbi évek kortársopera-tendenciáival ellentétben) jóval több egyszer használatos alkalmazott zenénél: saját értékénél fogva is emlékezetünkbe vésődik, miközben híven festi a szöveg dramaturgiai fordulatait. A posztmodern jó szokásához híven bőven idéz különböző zenei stílusok eszköztárából, ám ezeket egységes keretbe foglalja – sosem támad az az érzésünk, hogy bármely hang is öncélúan került volna a partitúrába. Ez a határozott zeneszerzői egyéniség biztos ismertetőjegye.”


The FaceBook page of CAFe Budapest festival. There is an interview with me about Georgia Bottoms and about getting our of your comfort zone in general. Again, the interview is in Hungarian, but the “Day 3 of the Festival” video can be enjoyed without speaking this one of a kind language.

Oh yes, and I did get to translate Mark Childress’ RAP lyrics for a newly added scene into Hungarian for the surtitles. I even made it rhyme. 🙂

The Season of Operas

On Monday we are starting the second week of ‘DialogScene’ workshop organized by the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation. I will be moderating a “meet the audience” session in the evening.
The final performance of the five brand new operas composed by young composers from all over the world, and directed by young Hungarian directors (music-theater directors’ class of Tamás Ascher) is open to the audience and will be held in the evening of Friday, September 15.
Click below for more details.

When I am not teaching I am composing new music to my first opera, The Giant Baby. The world premiere will take place in Vienna as part of the 2018 Armel Opera Festival. I am having a lot of fun with totally re-writing the music to the slightly altered libretto based on the 1926 Dadaist play by Hungarian Author Tibor Déry.

Just so we stick to the theme of the fall of 2017, my latest stage work, ‘Georgia Bottoms, A Comic Opera of the Modern South’ will get a new production at the Academy of Music as part of CAFe Budapest (Contemporary Art Festival Budapest). Rebecca Nelsen, who sang the title role in Huntsville two years ago returns as Georgia. Also in the role of her son, Nathan I am happy to have the young and talented American baritone, Keith Browning from the original cast. Author of the novel, Georgia Bottoms, my co-librettist, Mark Childress (who will also be here for the Hungarian premiere) and I have added two completely new scenes and changed one of the old ones to make the story more complete. Changes were needed also to give a little resting time and more than a minute to change costumes for rebecca as Georgia Bottoms. The staging will be done by Andras Almasi Toth, and the other 9 roles will be sung by talented Hungarian singers, including Andrea Meláth, head of the Vocal Department of the Liszt Academy. Here are the dates for the performances:
October 8 and 10
and a link to the website of CAFe Budapest:

Georgia’s beating the drums

I often get the question from people following my ever busy conducting schedule: “When do you have time to compose?” In my usual sarcastic Eastern-European way I usually respond with: “Never.” But seriously it is always Gustav Mahler that comes to mind. (Strictly in the sense of comparing busy schedules and not putting myself on the same pedestal.) He could only compose during summer breaks because his opera music director duties were extremely busy during the season. (Then there is the famous story of loud cow bells disturbing him so much then he put their sound into his symphonies. This is how distraction becomes inspiration.)
In any case, summers have always been the time for composing. After ending my 13-14 season a few weeks ago [now take a quick look to the right and read the outline of season 14-15!] I am now busy with finishing Georgia Bottoms, A Comic Opera of the Modern South. It is going to be a three act opera, 80-90 minutes total, for 11 singers and 19 musicians. The story is based on the 2011 novel of well-known American writer, Mark Childress.
Just like with movies, I suggest you first read the book (also available on Kindle and on iTunes as an audio book) then come and see/ listen to Georgia Bottoms The Opera.
Also don’t forget to visit and LIKE our production page on FaceBook
Right after finishing Georgia I will be diving into composing a triple concerto for three percussion players and orchestra. The piece, called ‘Drums Drums Drums’ is dedicated to and will be performed by Zoltan Racz and Aurel Hollo
and the amazing drum-set player Gergo Borlai
The World Premiere of ‘Drums Drums Drums’ will happen as part of the “Amadinda 30” concert series at Palace of the Arts, Budapest, in February 2015, just a week or so after the Huntsville permiere of Georgia Bottoms.
I will keep you posted on the developments. Now back to composing.