Year In, Year Out / Évvégére

Year in, year out there is the mandatory food coma of the Christmas Holidays. No matter how hard one tries, family always wins over scale-scare. Hungarian cuisine is hard on your stomach even when it is not the most important Holiday of the year.

After conducting two shows with the Savaria Symphony on December 6&7 (it was an interesting Hungarian program with music by Bartók, Kodály, Viski including my own Duevoe for orchestra) I went into administration mode (lots to get done at the end of the calendar year), then into Holiday shopping/ family-visiting mode. Administration duties included several meetings related to a new and exciting opportunity, as I was asked to serve as the new Artistic Director of Hungary’s leading new music ensemble UMZE.
I am looking forward to working with the musicians, to planning the next season, and of course to conduct exciting concerts in Hungary and abroad.
As I am writing this (the new Royal Crown Lounge at the Amsterdam Airport is beautiful) I am on my way back to the US to wrap up 2018 with a fun NYE Pops show of music by John Williams at the helm of the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra.
It is going to be exciting and challenging (as J.W. always is), and we will have many fun surprises for the audience as well.
On January 3 I will be on my way back to Europe. I am conducting the wonderful soprano, Emőke Baráth (last time I worked with her it was Bach’s Magnificat on the program) and a hand-selected expert ensemble in a video recording session (the videos will be available online as soon as possible) of two cantatas by a major Hungarian modern composer, Sándor Szokolay. Before the video recording sessions we will present the two works at the library of the Budapest Music Center as part of the Transparent Sound Festival

Soon 2018 is OUT, and 2019 is IN.
I wish all of my friends a Successful and Happy New Year, and lots of amazing musical experiences!

Most, hogy a tradicionális év végi túlzásba vitt evésen ismét sikeresen túl vagyunk, ideje visszatérni a zenei témákhoz. Még az ünnepek előtt, december 6-án és 7-én a Savaria Szimfonikusok élén vezényeltem egy érdekes magyar műsort, Bartók, Kodály, Viski darabjaival, illetve saját Dűvő című zenekari művemmel. Ez után, de még Karácsony előtt ért a megtisztelő felkérés, hogy legyek a UMZE együttes művészeti vezetője. Az erről (is) szóló interjú itt olvasható:
Örömmel és izgalommal várom a művészeti vezetéssel járó feladatokat, és a zenészekkel való közös munkát.
2018-at John Williams zenéjével zárom majd, illetve egy olyan zenekari koncerttel, ahol a Huntsville-i közönséget a zenén kívül még számtalan más (az amszterdami reptéri lounge-ban ebben a pillanatban szólították a pulthoz a Keith Richard nevű utast… Hogy mik vannak!) meglepetés is várja.
Január első két hetében Szokolay Sándor két kantátáját vezényelem majd az Átlátszó Hang fesztiválon. A koncert után videófelvételre is sor kerül majd a BMC-ben. A remek muzsikusokról és a projektről bővebben itt lehet olvasni:
Mindenkinek ez úton is Boldog és Sikerekben Gazdag Új Évet, és persze sok szép zenei élményt kívánok 2019-re is!

4000 Kids, 2200 Adults

Huntsville Symphony has just completed a very busy and extremely successful week with 6 concerts and 2 programs. We performed 4 Young People’s Concert and a Free Family Concert for about 4K children (most of the 4th Graders) and a few hundred adults. The latter one I like to call “Bring Your Grandma” concert, and indeed there were many families: grandkids, parents, grandparents alike. Mozart: Figaro Overture, Mendelssohn: Piano Concerto No.1, 1st Movement (played by the brilliant Sarah Han, the winner of the Guild’s Concerto Competition 2017) and James Stephenson’s genius “Compose Yourself” were on the program. Jim’s composition introduces the orchestra, its sections and its instruments to the audience in a set of variations. Before the Finale audience members get to pick and mix 3 different melodies, harmonies and rhythms to create their very own piece of music. I highly recommend “Compose Yourself” to any orchestra interested in a stylish, clever and fun piece of music that can do what Britten’s Young Persons’ Guide can and more! At the Free Family Show I also did a crash course in conducting for kids who were not shy coming on stage. They got to conduct the Mozart Overture with the Huntsville Symphony.
On Saturday evening the HSO had a sold out pops show comprised entirely of John Williams soundtracks. It was a demanding and highly satisfying concert for the orchestra and drew several standing ovations from the audience. Once (tops twice) a year I agree to play the clarinet in Huntsville to benefit the Symphony. I have performed quite a few great chamber music pieces in the past couple of seasons, and also the obligate clarinet solo in a Mozart aria when my Mom was here to sing an opera gala under my baton. This time I played the clarinet solo of Viktor’s Theme from the movie The Terminal. Viktor’s character —played by Tom Hanks in the movie— is especially close to me. We are talking about a man from an imaginary Eastern-European country who gets stuck in an airport terminal in the US and has to manage living there for a few weeks. Considering my crazy busy traveling schedule I do feel like I live in an airport sometimes.
More great music is on the way with the Huntsville Symphony in the next couple of weeks: Mendelssohn, Richard Strauss, Offenbach and Wagner.
Check out our website here: