Chamber Music Envy | Kamarazene-irigység

I have had much fine music to conduct, some to write since my last post. I have started publishing monthly about music in a weekly magazine in Hungary. (This means constantly thinking of new topics and ways to put them on paper.) In short, there would be a lot to write about here, but right now I only want to talk about one piece of music, the one that woke up chamber music envy in me. Every instrumentalist knows this feeling (winds more than strings, brass more than woodwinds, etc.). “Oh, what a great piece of music, I wish it was written for my instrument!” I think this, along with wanting to add to the repertoire of your own instrument, contributes most to the making of arrangements. This week I was fortunate enough to join in performing a genius work, Sextet for Strings No.1 for Strings by Johannes Brahms. I made myself useful as a conductor, and indeed, considering the short rehearsal time, we needed one. I have learned a lot by studying this sextet (and No. 2 as well, once I was at it). I’ve learned a lot about where Brahms’ symphonic material is really coming from. Fantastic materials, harmonies, textures: difficult but fair string writing. It is funny knowing that B’s friends did not like his first symphony when it was first played to them (piano version). I guess they knew the Sextets, but perhaps thought that a symphony of similar complexity would do more damage to their friend’s career.
With Beethoven’s Sextet for winds after the Brahms we have successfully finished our strange and at times very challenging COVID19-season here isn Huntsville. We are ready for a season that we can now call “normal” (I mean it in a strictly positive way), starting late September. I have many exciting projects coming up in Europe in the next 6 weeks or so, before I return to the US to conduct at the Round Top Music Festival in Texas. I will keep you posted.

Brácsások a hegedűsökre, bőgősök a brácsásokra, fafúvók a vonósokra, rezesek a fákra féltékenyek. Mindannyian megéltük már karrierünk során azt, hogy kívántuk, bárcsak egy bizonyos zenedarab szerzője a mi hangszerünket is belekomponálta volna művébe. Sokminden történt a múltkori bejegyzésem óta, többek között elkezdtem a Magyar Narancsban havi rendszerességgel zenei tárgyú tárcákat írni Zene hetilapra összefoglaló cím alatt (most aztán már nem csak zene van a fejemben, hanem tárcatémák és szövegfordulatok is). Most mégsem ezekről az eseményekről, csak Brahms I. Vonós-szextettjéről szeretnék itt írni. Karmesterként, a próbák számát redukálandó, becsatlakozhattam ennek a fantasztikus műnek a tegnapi előadásába (ezzel és Beethoven Fúvós-szextettjével zárult a szezon Huntsville-ban). Persze tanulmányoztam a II. Brahms szextettet is, ha már az elsőt játszottuk, és az előadás örömén kívül sokat tanultam arról, honnan is jön Brahms szimfóniáinak az anyaga: a modulációk, témák, textúra, faktúra, és persze a nehéz, de idiomatikus vonós írásmód. Vicces, hogy Brahms I. szimfóniájának a fogadtatása (zongora-letétben) milyen hűvös is volt a baráti körben. Nyilván féltették, meg nem is értették, mindenesetre, mintha nem ismerték volna a vonóshatosokat.
Sikeresen befejeztük (és túléltük!) ezt az őrült COVID-19 szezont itt Huntsville-ban: megtartottuk anközönségüniet, és már áruljuk a jegyeket a következő évadra, amit – ha óvatosan is – de már normális körülmények közé tervezünk.
Az elkövetkező 6 hétben sok izgalmas projekt vár Magyarországon ls Franciaországban, ezekről majd mind be is számolok itt. Utána, június elején pedig visszatérek az USÁ-ba, a texasi Round Top Festival nyitókoncertjén Beethoven Hármasversenyét és IV. szimfóniáját vezényelni.

600 Days, Liszt Academy, Dome/ 600 nap, Zenekadémia, Dome

About three weeks and three (+1) projects in Budapest, Hungary this month.
Tomorrow (Sunday, Oct 6) as part of the program of the contemporary art festival, CAFe Budapest, I will be conducting two compositions by László Melis, composer of the Oscar-winning movie, Son of Saul at the Budapest Music Center. Melis has passed 600 days ago, hence the title of the concert. All the participating musicians, including myself, have agreed to offer their performance fee to support his daughter and widow.
You can read about this concert here:

On October 22 I will be conducting the symphony orchestra of the Liszt Academy in a program of music by Liszt, Ligeti and Brahms. Click the link below for detailed information.

On October 26&27 I will be conducting a recording session of a contemporary guitar concerto by Arnaud Fillion. The orchestra will be comprised of the members of the Hungarian Radio Symphony.

Talking about Hungarian Radio, just yesterday I have had a great recording session with flutist Gergely Ittzés and violist Péter Bársony. These two wonderful musicians have decided that they wanted to make a professional recording of my almost-five-minute-long duo, entitled ‘Dome’. We have enjoyed every minute of the 2 and a half hour session. I can’t wait to hear the edited version soon!

Tegnap, egy két és fél órás jókedvű ülés alatt elkészült fuvola-brácsa duóm, a ‘Dome’ stúdiófelvétele a Magyar Rádióban. Ittzés Gergely és Bársony Péter gyönyörűen muzsikáltak. Alpár Tibor zenei rendezővel, és Lukács Miklós hangmérnökkel együtt a pult mögül élvezhettem a – nem könnyű – darab minden apró, a muzsikusok által szépen kidolgozott részletét. Örömmel várom majd az összevágott verziót!

A CAFé Budapest programjaként holnap, október 6-án, vasárnap a BMC-ben dirigálok két művet a Melis László zeneszerző emlékére rendezett koncerten. A BMC a bevételt, a résztvevők pedig felléptidíjukat ajánlották fel a 600 napja elhúnyt zenész-zeneszerző özvegye és gyermeke megsegítésére.

Október 22-én első alkalommal vezényelem majd a Zeneakadémia szimfonikus zenekarát. Rohmann Ditta szólójával hangzik majd fel Ligeti Csellóversenye, Liszt A bölcsőtől a sírig című szimfonikus költeménye és Brahms IV. szimfóniája között. A programról az alábbi linken lehet részleteket olvasni.

Október 26,- és 27-én Arnaud Fillion új gitárversenyének stúdiófelvételét vezénylem majd a Magyar Rádiózenekar zenészeinek élén. Így jön össze 3+1 izgalmas projekt a Budapesten töltött kb. három októberi hét alatt.

March 15 in Budapest/ Március 15 Budapesten

I am writing this post on March 15, Independence Day of Hungary, in Budapest. This long, festive weekend marks the first three consecutive days off for over a month. I have been working and traveling a lot, and it won’t change much until the end of the season. Since my last post I have conducted the Hungarian Radio Symphony at the Liszt Academy (including the World Premiere of my newest orchestral composition, Gloomy Sunday Variations), the Huntsville Symphony in two different programs, and taught a masterclass at the Budapest Music Center with Heinz Holliger and Peter Eötvös. I am getting ready to conduct the magnificent Symphony No. 3 by Gustav Mahler with the Hungarian Radio Symphony at MUPA (Palace of the Arts) on March 20,
then Brahms Piano Concerto No.1 (Jozsef Balog as soloist) and Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring with the Miskolc Symphony on two occasions.
March 15, a beautiful Spring day, National Holiday in Hungary. My musical journey continues on Monday.

Március 15, Nemzeti Ünnepünk, gyönyörű tavaszi nap Budapesten. A mostani hosszú hétvége az első összefügő három nap, amikor egy kicsit megpihenhetek, és erőt gyűjthetek a következő nagy kihívásra. Március 20-án vezényelem Mahler III. szimfóniáját a Magyar Rádió Zenei Együttesei élén a MÜPÁban.
Februári blogbejegyzésem óta két különböző programban vezényeltem a Huntsville Symphony-t, a Zeneakadémián a Rádiózenekarral bemutattam Szomorú Vasárnap című zenekari művemet, mesterkurzust tanítottam a BMC-ben Heinz Holligerrel és Eötvös Péterrel. A Pannon Filharmonikusokkal folytattuk az angol nyelvű “Classical Chill” koncertek sorozatát. Mahler Harmadikja után a Miskolci Szimfonikusokkal lesz két hangversenyem Brahms I. Zongoraversenyével (Balog József) és Sztravinszkij Tavaszi Áldozatával a programban.
A zenei utazás hétfőn folytatódik.

Lots of Work and Plenty of Travel Already in 2018

Hello there and a Happy Belated New Year! I am writing this post at the Atlanta airport lounge, waiting for my flight to Huntsville, replacing the one that was just cancelled a couple of hours ago. Yes, IT IS WINTERTIME and it is coming down hard on the South now, after hitting the North-East of the US.
After a demanding and successful trip to Taiwan and Mainland China (with the Kaohsiung Symphony then with the players of the Hungarian Radio Symphony) I traveled back to Budapest for a couple of days (FYI Turkish Airlines is great!) then packed again to drive to the city of Pecs, where I got to conduct the great Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra. We presented an exciting program, including my piece, Drums Drums Drums, of which we played the Hungarian premiere. Other pieces on the program were: Weill: Little Threepenny Music, Stravinsky: Concerto in D for string orchestra and Hindemith’s powerful Concertmusic for brass and strings. As for Drum Drums Drums, it is now the third set of soloists playing it (however the drum-set part was played by the amazing Gergo Borlai again, who has been part of the World Premiere in Huntsville in 2015), and the piece, I am happy to report, works really well for the audience.
After spending a couple of days in beautiful Southern Hungary (Pecs is only about a 2hr drive from Budapest) I was ready to fly to the Big Apple. Representing Armel Festival as its Artistic Director I have attended 5 shows at the Prototype Festival. I have seen staged concert albums, multi-media music theater works and operas in the traditional sense. It was an impressive line up. I hope that Prototype Festival can become a partner for Armel by as early as 2020, and together we can bring some interesting new works to Budapest, Vienna, and to the screen of ARTE TV as well. Yes, IT IS WINTERTIME, and NYC was way colder than usual. However in the summer I always complain about humidity and high temperatures in manhattan. 🙂
I am ready for a couple of extremely exciting and challenging programs in the next couple of weeks. On Saturday with the Huntsville Symphony I will be conducting Brahms’ Haydn Variations, Beethoven’s Symphony No.7, and sharing the stage again with Elina Vähälä from Finland, who’ll be playing Berg’s beautiful Violin Concerto. More information on the concert here:

After Huntsville it’s Budapest time again, and time for music about machines with the Danubia Symphony at the Liszt Academy. Yes, you read that right, MACHINES!

More about that later!

Until then, here is the link for your enjoyment:

Orchestra Tour in Poland

…then there are days when you really don’t have the time to write.

I have just finished my concert with the Hungarian Radio Symphony at the Liszt Academy on November 22 when received a call from the tour manager of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra. They were on the road in Poland and the conductor, János Kovács was hospitalized. I agreed to step in after my Eötvös-Bartók performance in Hamburg (November 23) and joined the orchestra in Wroclaw, Poland the next day. We had a one hour acoustical rehearsal at the amazing new concert hall built for the program of “Cultural Capital of Europe, Wroclaw 2016″, and we hit the ground running with the following program:

Kodály: Dances of Galánta
Liszt: Piano Concerto No.1 (Dávid Báll -piano)
Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra
(Encores: Brahms Hungarian Dance No.1 and Berlioz Rakóczi March)

Thee more concerts followed with great success (and a whole lot of bus riding in between). The Hungarian National Phil musicians and myself were having a ball.

Poland is a lucky country to have so many great, new concert halls. Three out of the four we have performed at were built in the last two years. Among these, the venue for our tour-closing performance was probably the best I have ever performed at (including Disney Hall!). The concert hall of the National Polish Radio Orchestra in Katowice is not only a great work of architecture but also the perfect mix of beauty and functionality with amazing acoustics for symphonic music.

Take a look!

This orchestra tour was part of the Hungarian Season in Poland commemorating the 1956 Revolution. Originally Zoltán Kocsis, world famous pianist and music director of the Hungarian National Philharmonic, who just recently passed away, was supposed to conduct all the concerts. We have been performing in his memory as well.

I am back in Hamburg, Germany today. The very last performance of the Eötvös: Senza sangue, Bartók: Bluebeard’s Castle production is tomorrow evening at the Staatsoper. The revival is schedueled for February 2018.

On A High Note And More

The 2014-15 Season of the Huntsville Symphony is ending on a high note, well actually on many high notes. The amazing Elina Vahala
is back to play the powerful and extremely difficult Violin Concerto #2 by Bela Bartok. Our last classical concert opens with Les preludes by Franz Liszt and closes with Brahms’ Symphony No.1.
Just this week HSO has announced its 2015-16 season. Please click on this link to find out about all the details
My busy 15-16 season continues. Next week I am off to San Jose, CA to conduct a choral program with Symphony Silicon Valley. Right after that I jump into the production of Doctor Faust by Italian composer Ferruccio Busoni at the Budapest Opera, then back to the US to conduct the Rochester Philharmonic. Stay tuned! Also do not forget to Tune In on WLRH tomorrow morning 9AM EST to listen to Ginny Kennedy and myself talking about the Saturday concert and about the next season of HSO.
In the meantime here is the review of my concert with the Omaha Symphony from last week for your reading pleasure.

All About Horns

No, not about the fantasy-horror with Daniel Radcliffe in the main role. Huntsville Symphony’s 5th Classical concert this season was about different horns like the post horn, a tuba and French horns. Our soloist on Saturday, playing the Tuba Concerto by Williams was my good friend and amazing musician- Alan Baer, Principal Tuba, New York Philharmonic.
I conducted this beautiful piece a long time ago, but with a bass trombone soloist. In all honesty, the piece works much better with tuba. I am surprised that it is not on the repertoire of all the orchestras around the world. I guess it takes some courage to invite a tuba player as a soloist instead of a violinist or a piano player :). The audience loved the piece and rewarded the performance with a long standing ovation.

The second half of the concert started with one of my all time favorite compositions, the Sextet from the opera ‘Capriccio’ by Richard Strauss (I rearranged it for a small string orchestra) and ended with Till Eulenspiegel’s Marry Pranks. HSO rocked the piece!

In the first half, as an homage to Richard Strauss’s admiration for Mozart’s music we performed the Posthorn Serenade. I had the flutes, oboes and bassoons seated in the front of the orchestra. This emphasized the fact, that the two middle movements of the Serenade are really a hidden Sinfonia Concertante for woodwind instruments.
Chris Coletti
played the famous Post horn solo beautifully. Other than the famous 2nd Trio of the 2nd Menuet with the post horn in it, the trumpet section played on natural trumpets for the entire piece.

One more casual classic about The Science of Music and a classical concert with Liszt, Bartok and Brahms on the program are in store for this season with the HSO. Visit our website for details!


Balazs Fulei
pianist and the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra under my direction will be performing a somber and touching program all about drama, death and transfiguration. The venue is the beautiful Main Hall of the Liszt Academy in Budapest.

Brahms: Tragic Overture
Bartok: Piano Concerto #2
Jozsef Sari: Jacob is Wrestling with The Darkness (World Premiere)
Richard Strauss: Death and Transfiguration

Ultimately all musical pieces are about Transfiguration.
The very nature of playing and listening is that you become a different person after experiencing live music. Music itself of course is nothing else than transfiguration of notes. With the World Premiere of Jozsef Sari’s composition we are celebrating the 80th Birthday of the composer who will be present at the concert hall.

Tomorrow at 7:35PM Hungarian time (1:35PM EST) you can listen to our concert live by clicking here
The concert will be available for streaming for another two weeks. Just search by date and time!

On Saturday afternoon Bartok’s 2nd Piano Concerto moves to Studio VI. at the Hungarian Radio. We’ll be recording another show for the Musically Speaking series. Musicologist Zoltan Farkas is doing the talking in front of a live audience. The show will be aired in a couple of months.

Tax Day Concert

Who does a concert on a Tuesday? Well actually I do with the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (MR Symphony) and chorus and four wonderful soloists.
On the program:
Brahms: Song of Destiny
Dvorak: Stabat Materřák)

Two touching and deeply spiritual works, one is only 18 minutes long, the other one is about an hour and a half. Two works written by friends (one also being the mentor of the other). Both compositions are very personal and masterfully written. This year’s Easter falls late in the calendar year. This is why the day known as Tax Day in the US happens to be the Tuesday before Good Friday.
The concert program I designed is about preparation, soul searching and meditation with the help of vocal-orchestral music. I would like to invite our audience to a spiritual journey.
Faith Prayer. Doubt. Consolation.

I would like to invite You All to join us and listen to our concert LIVE at
You can also stream the concert later for another two weeks.

Kodaly in The Cold

When 10 ys ago I first conducted the Calgary Philharmonic we played an unusual program: Arvo Part: If Bach Were a Beekeper, Poulenc: Gloria, Gorecki: Third Symphony. I remember all of it. It is interesting to me, too how much I remember of musicians, the hall, downtown restaurants and many more things. A brief interruption aside (got rerouted by Delta which enabled me to get here on time but left my luggage in Minneapolis) I had a nice trip from Huntsville, AL. First time ever I used the on board internet service and got a lot of work done (mostly planning next season and working on programming, answering interview questions via email and other fun stuff), so overall it was good.
This time I get to conduct an entire “Hungarian” program, including Brahms Hungarian Dances, Liszt Rhapsody #2 and Totentanz, Weber: Introduction and Hungarian Rondo (Yes, I have two soloists for this concert, one on the piano, one on the bassoon), Kodaly Galanta Dances and Dohnanyi Symphonic Minutes. Great orchestra, fun program and we are expecting a good size audience.
But here is the thing with Canadian orchestras… For some reason Toronto Symphony, Montreal Opera, the orchestras of Edmonton, Winnipeg and Kitchener Waterloo almost always invite me in the beginning, middle or the end of the coldest Canadian winter. Not complaining, just saying! ☺

See the website of the Calgary Philharmonic here with details about the upcoming concerts:

PS: OK, just to be fair, the sun came out this morning, the weather is sunny and fresh, Weatherman says the temperature will rise as high as 9 Degrees Celsius by tomorrow